What is it?

The 1440 Challenge


24 hours = 1440 minutes. The 1440 Challenge will not be your normal 24-hour day. It will not be your normal youth group event. There will be fun. There will be games. But this event will be just what the name implies: a challenge. If you profess faith in Christ you are the salt of the earth...you are the light of the world. What does that mean? What does that look like? How do I know when I am being salt and light? How can I be salt and light in my school and in my community? Come and find out.

Where: Salem Heights Church

When: May 15-16 7:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Cost: $30

Activities include:
Teaching from God's Word
Team-Building activities (including going here)
Salt and Light Projects
And much more

We are going to try a new form of registration for this event. It will be very simple. Email the following information to cause@salemheightschurch.org

Student's name
Mailing address
Contact phone number

When we receive your registration email a packet of event information will be sent to you soon afterwards. You must register by Wednesday May 6th. We need to know who/how many are coming for planning purposes.

If you have any questions please contact Dan